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Hey, people! The Tony Stark and Mary Jane gallery is up! Check your inbox and, as usual, let me know if there's nothing there! This one brought to you by patron EddieBrock9043. 

Sorry for thelittle delay this time. I was still trying to figure out the whole email thing. I think we have established that the system works, right?!

Next up, Polaris, Jean, and Colossus, part 2! Then, a suggestion by InkInk, and Punisher with Cassie Hack.  Stay tuned! :)



Nearly beaten by my own Spam folder lol


Good to see that the Jean/Polaris/Colossus threesome will be finished up. As for InkInk, if it's anything like his last set he suggestion, then I won't be interested personally, won't be downloading it myself. Regardless, to each their own. Can't wait to see Cassie and Frank go at it like rabbits! That can't come fast enough!


Good color work on this.


Love this set, thank you!


Could I get the link, please?


I just send a new pledge. I will just stick with yours for now since I actually like what I read and see


@Leandro Comics I don't have it yet.


Will this also be put up as a zip file for those of us who pledged later?


Can I get this set?