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A pretty neat OC commission! The idea behind the hair was that it would look a bit like kirby crackle. Not the easiest effect to achieve! And to get it really good you gotta do it by hand. I hope it came across okay in this rendition.

Anyway, I'll be looking at the commission list again, gonna try to complete a couple more this month. If you guys need the commission sheet again, here's the link to it. But I already have some that I'd like to try, and I'll contact more commissioners soon.



Griffin Hawk

Black and pink always look sooooooo good together! Also, that Kirby crackle is. . . I tried to do it a few times as a spell effect for an illustration, damn it is so difficult to make it look good. Which is frustrating because the idea and technique behind it is so simple, yet getting it to look as good. . . that's a challenge I can't seem to meet.