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It's just a licking, nothing to worry about. Everyone's fine. Don't worry.

This is a bit of a work in progress. Inking the trex is gonna be a challenge but it could be a really fun one. What I had an issue with was trying to make sure the rex's face looked cute and harmless for this pic, despite the rows and rows of teeth.

Thanks for joining the patreon this week, all you new folks. It really helps a lot. I hope you come to enjoy the content on here. Feel free to let me know if you've got any questions. Take care and I'll see you guys on Monday.




Uh I can see the difficulty with the the cute friendly T-Rex face with the teeth. Nevertheless it's a good boy/girl

Griffin Hawk

Licking the frosting off that cake :D

Death of Ink

Starting to think I wasn't too far off from my gag a while back about the T-Rex checking her out...


MOAR! MOAR licks!

Michael Campen

To be fair, its'a very lickable behind.