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Analog Girl miiiiight be my biggest single original character in terms of engagement over the internet. And that's cool, I like her too. I can see making some fun comics with her in the future. Maybe nothing MAJOR like say... a Biomancer or a Technomancer scale story but she'd be fun to draw little strips now and then. If I can come up with them.

One thing I need to be thoughtful of as I approach drawing this character is that "analog horror" is popular more with younger people than I am. Some of them are even kids. So I don't think I'd be making a lot of overly sexualized content with her. Which is okay. I figure she's actually ace anyway. Something about being a void of conscious radio signals might mean you're not terribly interested in other people's physical bodies.



Jak of Sol

It would be entertaining to see her in like random casual scenarios

Steve H

This looks amazing.