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I admit, it was a LOT faster than I anticipated. Now I'll have to discuss with you guys about the nature of the game. I've had a few ideas and I'll start spitballing them soon. But I was wondering if you folks reading this had an opinion on how you'd like it to play. Most quests rely on the comments of readers to progress, but of course it's still under the guiding hands of the artist. Then there's also the fact that this isn't a very big pool of players to pull from. I figure I can throw some of the comic onto Tumblr and get decisions from there, but make major (or minor) decisions exclusive to Patrons. Then there is of course, I was interested in using RPG style dialog choices so people can vote between a few suggested options as well as an option to fill in your own action. However if it's a vote tally, then it's not going to work out kindly for the fill in your own answer. I could of course, just pick the funnest comment given to me or the one that best fits the narrative structure... but that might be less fun for you guys if it stops feeling like I'm letting you guys be involved. Anyway, here's some Grumpy Colette. (post shared publicly because there's a lot to discuss)



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