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I am taking on one sketch at a time along with a heavy commission.

Regarding the mentioned commissions, I apologize if this time, as you may have noticed, I haven't shared these artworks I have been doing for commissions. 

Lately, I realized that some professional illustrators keep their commission work outside of their Patreon and only present them on their social media platforms in low resolution for promotion. 

So, this season, I decided to do the same.

I feel that it is a way to give more importance and respect to those who pay for these works, as ultimately, they belong to them since they are the ones who have paid for them. Yes, it is something I plan to implement from now on and see if it's a good idea.

Nevertheless, the works are available through my Twitter, and you can enjoy them, albeit censored (a bit). 

As compensation for that, I will continue to post exclusive content for you, which I gradually release on my social media platforms over time. Some things I do share on both platforms if I deem it relevant, but others will be available only to you for a certain period.

So, there you have it, enjoy, and thank you for continuing to support me!





Wow, que intenso. Y como algo que solo aporta el minimo, porque la plata no da para mas xD, me parece perfecto el nuevo modelo. Como decis, una buena manera de darles algo de exclusividad a los que aportan mas, pero sin dejarnos sin nada a los mas pobres xD