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Yo guys! first to all, thank you so much for your support last month, remember that all this is possible cuz of you! <3

References to work:

Im getting a little bit closer to the true results that I want to obtain for future illustrations, although you like how it looks, for me it is a step forward in my practices, I really hope I can improve to bring you better quality content in the future!

This time the Zip file contains 2 Photoshop files, second one don't show ya a some lights effects if you open up on Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint, sorry but I use Sai to paint some light effects whaT I cant drag for other programs...

But you can chek out as I composed the layers and other effects <3

btw the final image result isnt been included on the files, cuz the file may much heavy and honestly speacking, how much of you download the files? I need to know that, I'll gonna do a poll question later abou it.

Well I hope you enjoy it folks! no more to say... except that I have been practicing my informal English, Im so tired of writing "correctly" in the sense of school teaching it, I started looking for many video tutorials on YouTube, that's better, may my grammar sucky a bit, but if you understad mostly content of the text well... 

If you have problems with the link just let me know!

Notes: Next post will contain the other September drawings in a separate folder.



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