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Here's another Emily and Mara scene taken from this month's suggestion poll. In an apparently very-well-prepared-for roleplay, Officer Becca has arrested Emily and Mara! There are more pin-ups from this months poll underway that won't have a chance to drop this month. Harley and Ivy doing battle in straitjackets, a video game character a little outside of my usual roster, and still more E&M will be showing up in the near future.

Download Standard Version A
Download Standard Version B

As is often the case (though sometimes I forget to drop a credit), Aidenke provided the gag-talk garble for the non-translated versions)



Access to real prison cells raises interesting possibilities about the extent of Becca’s influence! The wisps of hair escaping from the gag straps, and Emily’s muzzled, pleading protestation, are adorable.

Robert Snare

I love the gagtalk/no gagtalk variants. How do you come up with your gagtalk, dare I ask?


Thanks, glad you like the alternate versions. As mentioned in the post description, longtime patron and frequent collaborator, Aidenke, did this (and does most) of my gag-talk translating. He's somehow got a knack for spelling them out in ways that make more sense than what I'd come up with on my own.