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For a midweek treat, here's another holdover from last month's suggestions. The 13th Doctor turns up in the monthly poll from time to time, but I never got around to her. Since I've done a few of the Doctor's companions over the past few months, I figured I might as well tackle #13 herself. The request suggested she might've had a little trouble with a some kind of gadget gone wrong...so that's the angle I took. More pin-ups from this month's poll are on the way!

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Second of Many

After the fun some of her companions have found themselves in, fun seeing Thirteen spend some time as the damsel! This is a really fun picture. I like the discarded other gadgets left rolling on the floor as the Doctor's too busy to pick it all up. Such a fun scenario, and you've really managed to capture the feel of the scene




Thanks! It was only fair 13 herself get a damsel turn after the luck the companions have had around here previously.