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And so here we are...

I nearly settled for a "Welcome! Give me money!" and nothing else, but I've decided I want to sit down and talk to you, reader, as the artist of the content you (presumably) enjoy and even divulge a little insight into the person behind it. 

Welcome! Did you know I've been thinking about making a patreon since 2016? The feeling of aimlessness and lack of artistic identity left me uncertain as to if I could start building the creative environment that fulfilled me. 

No one likes the feeling of being on the bus, thirty minutes into your morning commute and realizing that you forgot your wallet, or worse, your pants. It's something like that. 

I've been thinking a lot about what makes me happy in my hobby. I enjoy drawing, but I don't always enjoy pushing myself- to be completely honest, I have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of my comfort zone in all things. Even sandwiches.

I enjoy seeing people enjoy my work. But from afar, like a snail peeking out of a pile of dead leaves. Does that make sense?

Snails don't have animated discussions about their passion projects- or at least not that I'm aware of. They certainly don't own wallets, or pants. But snails also don't have many expectations put on them except never leaving their houses and moving very slowly.  

Yet as they say, there is little growth to be had snoozing away in your comforts. Life is all about finding as many new comforts as you can stand. Even just a couple. 

So here I am. Peeking out of my pile of dead, comfy leaves.

This patreon is designed to function more as a tip jar than locking exclusive content behind tiers. To be honest, those expectations sound like more extra work than I could see myself doing. This is already more work than I saw myself doing. 

As I solidify exactly what my pursuits are, you can expect this patreon to morph alongside that. I might add benefits, I might add more expensive tiers, I might add more interactive perks, I might add merch. But for now, this is entirely for people who wanted to support me for the content that I'm already uploading.

So if you'd like to pledge despite the modest framework and vague declarations of exciting things that will definitely, totally happen... 

Thank you! 




Well, I'm following you since I saw a one of your drawings on Twitter (2019 maybe?) Now I see you here in patreon, you have my support!. I like your drawings and I hope you continue enjoying your hobby :)


UGGHHHH HOW CAN THIS FOX BE PERFECT!?!?!?!?!111 (nezperdian hive mind noises)


i am still waiting for more fox