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Silver Gallery

Gold Gallery
(it's in the February folder)

It's finally done! this one ended up taking a while. So thank you for being patient. I ended up making quite a few tweaks to the line art. Most of them were on the first panel since I didn't really like how it looked. I think I was able to salvage it in the end though. If you want to play spot the difference, the WIP versions are still in the folder. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this one. Let me know what you think of it of course.

Also, the character poll ended in a tie for the first time ever! Satsuki and 2B both ended with 38 votes. So I guess that means I'll be drawing both of them. Not sure what that'll look like yet, but I'll figure something out.

Hope you all have a great day. And as always, thank you for your support.




I love it! I love how wet and shiny they are, super sexy!


Great piece, the dialogue was fantastic, looking forward to more!