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Silver Gallery

Gold Gallery

Sorry this took so long. I ended up going straight to lineart since I didnt think the sketch look too great on it's own. I still included it in the folder though. I also added some simple shading to this. It's mainly just there to help me do the actual shading later. But I think it adds some depth to it so I like to include it in the lineart posts.

Also. I've got all the submission for the character poll. So I'll post that up tomorrow. Probably will run the poll till the end of the month.

Also, Also, I updated the gallery links. If it gives an error saying the gallery doesnt exist anymore, just click okay. It should take you to the real page anyway. I dont know why, but it does that sometimes when I update them. If it actually is broken for you. Just message me so I can help you out.

Thank you all once again for your support! Hope you have a good day. And let me know what you think of the drawing.




Nice to see more of these three, always a good time!

antonio perry

oof you might want to change the dick bend in the x ray version but besides that it's great