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Warlock and boobs v0.353

Version 0.353 with RTP .


WaB Guide 0.352  by Harmless Arachnid (NEW VERSION)

The saves from the previous version will work.

Thanks to the people who helped with this update: 

Harmless Arachnid – Updated version of the guide, help with bugs

Anonymous – english text fixes

What is new:

Samantha got some more dialogues and reactions. She can catch Krowly in his bedroom fapping (evening), when he is getting titfuck from Jill, or being fucked by Eric. A few sexy moments were added in the cooking event with her (depends on the relationship).

Samantha’s cooking task – when Krowly joins her cooking she can ask him to bring her a specific ingredient (she chooses it at random from a small poll). Player can already have it, or can go and quickly harvest if from the field or find it in the wilds. She will be waiting till the time of the day is changed. Giving her the requested item gives + to relationship and some EXP. Repeatable every morning. 

Sister Elizabeth’s task – at Friday, Saturday or Sunday day time Sister Elizabeth has a special task for Krowly, if he already seen Jenna’s ridding Eric (needs to be seen in this new version). Repeatable once a week. Should be completed till the next Thursday night.

Training with Jaina – Jaina now trains every Wednesday and Saturday’s morning outside of the tavern. Krowly can join her to get a buff for a week, and possible buttfuck scene. Also, check out Jaina’s pixel animations ^_^

New scenes:

  • Samantha’s oral scene. Can be triggered randomly at the morning (33% chance, if Jill’s scene wasn’t triggered), or at evening via flirt menu, when she is at Krowly’s house
  • Jaina’s ridding Krowly’s dick. During the training with her at Wednesday and Saturday morning. Require 20 relationship point with her and 50 lust
  • Jills’ reverse titfuck. Wednesday and Friday morning in her bedroom, at the second floor of Krowly’s house. 20 relationship points and 50 lust are required
  • Joining Jenna when she is bathing. 15 relationship points required
  • Joining Alice when she is bathing + possible continuation. 15 relationship points required, and 50 required for the continuation.

New pictures:

  • Samantha’s oral scene. 6 variants total
  • Jaina’s ridding Krowly’s dick. 4 variants total
  • Jills’ reverse titfuck. 2 variants
  • Jenna’s bathing variant with sperm
  • Alice’s buttfuck variants for the bathing scene.

Updated pictures:

  • Alice’s buttfuck (improved pussy, updated sperm)

Small things:

  • When starting new game Krowly now can get starting resources to help the new player. Seeds from the field, a couple of potions from the alchemy table and some food from the kitchen. Also Krowly starts with small amount of money.


  • Text fixes by Anonymous.
  • The bug with endless supply of Eric’s swords.
  • “Yes” and “No” a switched when you are choosing to enable or disable “commitment mode” to prevent it from accidentally being enabled when player rushes through the introduction.
  • Gardening bug when you get a lot more ingredients for sale then you ever need.
  • Astra’s titfuck scene got the missing pixel animation
  • The magic shield now works against Busty Elf, but her immunity to the freezing was fixed too. Aslo, her stats were slightly nurfed




Bug: Krowly's training sprite shows up as Krowly-with-boobs even if he doesn't have boobs. The problem seems to be that the "direction fix" flag means that the "turn left" command has no effect - you either have to either set off the direction fix flag of the event page, or set the flag off and then on inside the "set movement path" command.


Typo: there's a repeated "in the" in Jaina's "I have no time for this" line, in both places where it's used. Earlier in the same exchange, Krowly's answer should be "At your big...", not "on". :)


Samantha-related text: The menu item would sound more natural as "Stare at her boobs". (Or if you want to be consistent with what was used for Jenna, "Stare at boobs".) Also, when talking to Samantha in Fina's house, Fina's remark would be more natural as "Not that old, I hope." (and more grammatically correct...)


In Sister Elizabeth giving Krowly a task: Some missing words here and there: "she HAS ridden", "THE ass is a much MORE preferable", "a good thing AND you have my". (Capitals for emphasis.) Also, looking at the Russian, in the last one "a good thing" should probably be "a good deed".


Not sure if it's a global bug, but the game is letting me water the crops while it's raining (which is admittedly not super important). Also as a minor beg, if we could get some content for when Eric is jerking it in his room that would be lovely. Surely watching him work has to get Krowly a little horny.


Are you sure about that? if it just says "the filed is watered" without giving you a choice? it means it is already watered by the rain. We will get more content with Eric, but I can't say when exactly for now :) Maybe something like this


It was actually giving me the option to water them when it was raining, but it only happened the first time I loaded an old save in a new version so I think it may just be something related to that.


Rain was updated at some point. Probably for the game there were no rain, just the graphic was showing. It might happen sometimes with old saves or when using cheats to skip time


There are some issues with Sister Elizabeth's repeatable quest. From the code, it seems that if you have fucked Jenna, she is supposed to skip her Thursday ride. That doesn't happen, apparently because of the way the "daily resets" common event is written: the variable that tracks that quest's progress is always reset at the start of that day. Another effect of that is that in the same piece of code, the check (var < 3) that follows is always true, marking the first objective as failed even if the quest has been completed (but in that case it marks only the objective as failed, not the whole quest). You also probably need to use the reset_quest() function somewhere to make the quest restart properly. Also: as the quest is not supposed to be done once per day, the quest title is misleading. :) I suggest just dropping the "daily task" part, it's misspelled anyway and makes the title a bit too long.


Have you actually tested it or it's just from looking in the editor? I tested it another time and apart from showing task as failed in the quest log, and the name, it seams to be working as it should be. I fixed the task by switching the two lines in places and replaced "daily" with "weekly"


Big fan of this game, just started playing like two weeks ago and I gotta say, I love this, feels like a real game and not a little beta and the dialogue is superb. Keep up the good work. And thank you for your amazing content. I play a lot of these kinds of games and this has to be by far my favorite.


Thank you for the nice words and welcome aboard :) I'm glad you're enjoying the game


Great update, thanks! Loving more content with Jaina, discovered the rimming narrative scene in the Elven Bath House on Saturday nights in my play session tonight - would be brilliant to get some art to go with that!


Glad you like the update :) Jaina will get an illustration for that scene eventually, but I can't say when exactly for now


Had a crash at the same point twice now - when adventuring with Eric in the "Hunt" option, if you come across the "You hear something..." Orc encounter where you help Jaina and Rose, sometimes the game just freezes - Jaina and Rose don't run up to you and there seems no way to progress without restarting the game.


Do you know that you should go up first? I have tested it several time and can't reproduce the problem. I but I made a few changes, maybe it will prevent this from happening in the next version


Yes, I know you have to run up the screen before they appear, it works most of the time for me but as I say, on two occasions in the last week the game has frozen during that event. I don't know if it's related to experiencing that event twice in one hunt session? I got the same event twice in a row when selecting to continue hunt and it froze the second time.


Were they directly repeated one after another? Like without changing location? It could cause a problem like this. Thank you, I will look into this some more


Ran into a bug where I lost to Kaaren and after the battle the image from her hug attack reappeared and wouldn't go away until I got into another battle. I also couldn't use any items in my inventory while this was happening.


Thanks for letting me know. I have added a fix for this. Should be fine in the next version :)


I have added a fix that will prevent this event from being repeated 2 times in a row :)

Jambe fantome

Hello guys is it possible to get the futa on male scene with fina in the church more than two time ? What are the conditions for the scene ?


After you have seen this scene first time you can go in the church at Sunday morning and after the sermon choose the option "confess". It's a default repeatable event and might show you some other event's you haven't seen yet (like Jill's arrival, etc)


Sorry for the double message, but can someone teach me to bring a save file from 0.352 to 0.353?


Hello! Open the folder with version 0.352, find a copy your save files (they are named something like "Save01.rvdata2") and paste them in the folder with the version 0.353