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So, PayPal is stopping to work in Russia, that means right now I'm not able to withdraw money from patreon. (I'm fine, don't worry) I'm looking into two options - using Payoneer instead, or create a Subscribestar account. Both might work, might not.

Also Patreon a few days ago sent me message that they are aware of the problem and will be working on a solution. We'll see how it will go :)

For now everything stays as it is, I will be working on the game and illustrations and posting them here. I also might post a link to my subscribestar page soon, where I will be posting same content as here.

I'm making this post to keep you informed :)



Приветствую 🖖! Надеюсь ты в порядке, создавайте на subscribestar, но убедитесь что ситуация не повториться и там! Следую за Вами!🤝


М-да уж, теперь шутки про санкции далеко не шутки. Собери их все, как гласил слоган всем известных Покемонов.


Сообщи в личку номер карты или сотовый. По России могу перевести напрямую.


I doubt that Patreon would be pleased with you posting a link to a SubscribeStar account. If you do set up such an account, you might just send a link to each subscriber via private message. Though Patreon might monitor those messages, too. There is always your page on F95 Zone. They will certainly allow you to post a link to a SubscribeStar account.


Thank you for the update. Will continue to support you. Stay safe and stay strong. All the best to you.


Yes thank you for the update be it here or on subscribestar i shall continue to support you too

David isBrosif

thanks for keeping us updated its effecting so many right now I'll continue to support at least petreon smdont seem to be abandoning it's creator base 👍

Christopher DeHart

Thanks for the update and stay safe. More than happy to follow you wherever you need to go to support.


Thanks for the update. Stay safe and I'll follow you wherever you go!!!


please be careful, it's a scary situation, so please take care.


I can't support you on subscribestar. But heard paysend works for russia. update payoneer might not work. as they head the same direction as paypal.


Сука, вот теперь санкции бьют по самому больному - творчеству господина Бубсгамеса


Good luck, man!


Вы не передумали на счет моего предложения с VK?


be safe man! good luck bro!

Clem Barbarossa

Hope things are as good as possible were you are. Stay safe :(


Please go to SubscribeStar. I've been trying to get away from Patreon and that would help greatly. Just post it wherever you can.


Hope this shit ends quikly be safe👑


Stay safe, i will definitely keep the support on the new platform


i hope it works out because paypal does not like subscribstar. i use paypal as my bank :/


Спасибо! Посмотрим, как будет развиваться ситуация :)


Patreon team always were very helpful to me, we'll see, maybe they will find a solution :)


Пока нет, посмотрим как будет развиваться ситуация :)


Все посты будут разблокированы для всех, я так понимаю?


Не понал вопроса. Все пока остается как раньше, я в этом месяце и так платежи отключил


Godammit i forgot you where Russian does that mean i wont be see your art anymore? ;A;


Well this sucks. I hope to see your art in the future too so i hope you figure something out. Good luck!

Jauqe Le Roi

Hello Boobsgames, is there any way to send you the tier without Paypal directly, because the german media says. Russia is now outside the swift and the banks are not handle with russian banks anymore.


No, nothing have changed yet. For now it stays as it is. I also will be posting my finished artworks on my twitter as always, and the game will be free on intchio


Hello! It's not true for all the banks as far as I know. I appreciate your suggestions but there is no need for that :) I will be looking in possible solutions and for now the payments on my patreon will be disabled, at least for a month or two

Mr. Phoenyxx

Thank you for the update! Let us know what you decide.


All will be well brother. I'm will to switch my payment whether you desire. Good luck friend. Long live mother Russia, kind regards from Australia.


Wherever you decide to go, we'll be right behind you.


I can just bring you cash every month, just in case. ;D


Вот засада. Я из Германии и кроме как через PayPal нет иной возможности поддержать тебя.


Посмотрим, как будет развиваться ситуация. Пока все остается по прежнему, по крайней мере на пару месяцев


Hope, you manage, my dude.


You could also look into Fanbox as an alternative to Patreon, assuming nothing else changes


Thank you, but as far as I know Fanbox uses paypal or Japanese banks. I can't move to Japan :D