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I want to add a bit more loot in this update. So far I have added three generic amulets, and couple of shields and two more weapons for Krowly.

The weapons are mostly for fun :D Idea by Avildar. 

The shields you can give to Eric or Jaina. It's not too much but it will make them slightly stronger.

I have rearanged the equipment slots a bit so now Krowly can have something in his second hand. It can be a ring or some kind of artifact I think. 

Feel free to make suggestions about the possible items. The simple it will be the more chances it will have to be added into the game. I don't want the equipment to have huge impact on Krowly's powers, but small effects could be cool.

The items that will let the player to trigger specific sex scenes, or events, are fun, but it's a different subject :)




We need sex toys as loot!

Mark Piper

Butt-plug pommel on Eric's sword, for training Eric's ass! (YEAH while Astra watches in aroused shock, fight me)


how about an emulate that make him naturally more pretty, I am speaking of Krowly


If there won't be a butt plug accessory, I'm out! (it might affect lust levels or smth)


It's not too hard to add them as items, but new sex scenes with them would require a lot of work :) I kinda want to add red ball gag as an amulet xD


What about latex gloves to add bonus def against Slimes?


A book a wand or orb would work


Well, butt-plugs are doable. They aren't vissible on the character illustration after all :D


Do you mean amulet that will make npc to like Krowly more? I'm not sure if I want this kind of magic effects in game. If it's an amulete that makes his boobs bigger, it's totally my type of things, but it's so much work to implement it xD


I was thinking about a butt plug that protects Krowly from being fucked in the ass after losing, but it seems it will make the game less fun for many people :(


hmm.. I can make an artifact that protects (a little bit) from the certain type of damage. In game the slimes have water demage. I don't want them to be like an acid, since Krowly is going to fuck them ^^

Just for shits and giggles how about a dildo he can increase the enemy's lust by smacking them with it lmfao


It's funny, and I feel like it has a Grand Theft Auto reference, but enemies don't really have lust levels for now :)

Hank the Bobcat

Somehow, fighting faeries with a shovel seems a little more brutal than ice spells. WONK!!! Poor faeries!


- Maybe an amulet or ring that increases lust by a small amount each day or morning>afternoon switch? - Or one that give a like 1 mana/health each 10 steps you take or restore a bit after you win a fight? - Maybe an item to increase your movement speed to make traveling faster :O

Purple Witch

If you go for defensive items, it would be nice to have a few oriented towards some enemies or type of damage? It would only reduce, never completely avoid it, mind you! Like a pair of glasses, that give a 10% chance to resist a blind, or a helmet with earpads that gives a 20% chance to resist a sleep spell...those kind of ideas. I like that ther eare weapons, it would be nice to see them have different effects, like the trowel being small, so you move around faster, the hoe going a bit more through the defenses? And last but not least, it would be cool to have buffs but debuffs as well. Like a cape that increases agility, but reduces pure defense, or an amulet that gives MP in exchange for HP. I don't know, what do you think?


Ооо да! Для меня WaB во многом про эксплорейшн, поэтому я считаю что всякий разнообразный лут в игру добавить необходимо! 1) Ну и анальная пробка или бусы - это то что должно быть добавленно обязательно, я считаю:D Оно бы могло давать либо увеличение накопления похоти, либо постоянную прибавку к ней. Конечно, по инерции, захочется сделать и завязаные на подобном луте сцены, но это же не обязательно делать сразу. 2) Это возможно прозвучит сложно, но возможно можно это реалезовать. Когда у Кроули появляются сиськи, Джилл советует ему носить лифчик. Возможно стоит его сделать как часть экипировки. Он мог бы увеличивать ловкость и защиту на +1. Я думаю это не нужно илюстрировать даже, оно может работать как амулет. 3) Ну и не уверен понравится ли, но мне кажется логичным, что бы наличие у Кроули груди снижала ему ловкость (-2) в любом случае, но повышала защиту (+1). Тогда ношение лифчика нужно будет что бы дебаф ловкости компенсировать. (Тогда получится: Что Кроули с грудью и в лифчике будет иметь -1 лвк и +2 зщт по сравнению с Кроули без груди, а Кроули с грудью но без лифчика -2 лвк и + 1зщт. 4) И возможно такое: Кроули без груди - нормальное накопление похоти в бою. Кроули с грудью и без лифчика - увеличенное накопление похоти в бою (+5). Кроули с грудью и в лифчике уменьшенное накопление похоти в бою (-5, складывается с дебафом от груди и получается 0, как если бы Кроули был без груди) Может и звучит запарно, но должно хорошо работать на нарратив и впринципе интересно играться. Ну и черному белью можно добавить те же статы и бафы, что я для лифчика предложил, только учесть так, что бы бонусы от просто лифчика не суммировались с бонусами от этого костюма.


how about a amulet that increases luck to 90 but you'll always be in danger of overlust or weapons that cause bleeding


Perhaps in the future (Not now, and even not soon) it makes sense to add Krowly a new outfit - the mantle of a magician.


an actual hat would be Cool


And perhaps another erotic outfit. Either a cute negligee or dressing gown, or Vice versa something leather in the style of BDSM. I understand that this is not a Sims, but in the end (Final version I mean), about 5 outfits the game can accommodate.


Кстати экиперованая мотыга или лопата могла бы увеличивать шанс собрать ингридиент, или давать шанс собрать два ингридиента вместо одного.


A whip or lash as a weapon. It sounds harsh, but it's no worse than getting hit on the head with a hoe. In addition, they could impose the "shock" status on the enemy.


stocking or garter for cock for defence. xD


A pair of rings. They can be used in the women's nipples of The city (need points of charisma) or in the female enemies


Thanks for actually thinking about adding more equipment/weapons to the game. I wasn't really expecting you to do it. I do like the idea of some of them unlocking possible scenes with certain enemies, but even a point or two in one stat and a negative in another is fine too. I like the idea of being able to even slightly change them without the need to break theme and make Krowly (or others) OP. As for gear for his other hand, I'd lean towards mage themed items. Like orbs, wands, or grimoires. Keeps rings and necklaces for the accessory slots. As for Orbs or Grimoires, you could have them improve the miss chance for spells, or have them maybe buff the weaker ones (Like Fire arrow, Ice Needles, or Darkness.), since these ones don't seem to have + versions yet. I might not have used them enough yet, if so, sorry for my ignorance. As for wands, they might allow a new spell or something, like Acid Orb or Rock Shot. Spells that aren't quite as buff as tier 2 spells like Freezing or Fireball, and closer to Fire arrow and Ice Needle. Butt plug wouldn't be a bad item there are plenty of enemies that attack Krowly's ass and it could protect him in the middle of combat, kinda like how the Slime Terror necklace helps versus the Slime Cube. This might be a way to keep his lust from rising from the Tentacles, Snake-ladies, and so on during combat. Though I don't think it would stop the Butt bandits (Or other mobs) after combat. They likely would just take it out and have their way with Krowly anyway. Maybe add some dialog with them noticing and teasing Krowly saying he must really be wanting it or asking for it. That way you don't have to redraw a scene or anything.


It would be cool to see more cosmetic items displayed on the characters in the game. Different clothes / armor / weapons. Something like in famous Trainer. Of Witch :D Create quests related to this, for example, defeating the goblin boss and loot the goblin's clothes from him, put someone in it. Still, of course, it would be cool to refine the system of partners. Find a modest elf in the forest, make friends with her, invite her to travel together, and as Krowly travels and depraves, she will also be corrupted, new outfits for her and sex scenes with her will be available.


Anything I would want you to add would mean hundreds or alternative portraits.


1) it's possible, I'll think about it :) 2) Oh, no, I don't want the players to be running around in circles whaiting for full regenereation :D 3) not sure. I thin it will break some scenes and affect animations


I like the initial idea, but I don't think the glasses or helmet is the best choice :) I think it whould be better, if it whould be something what I wouldnt have to add on Krowly's illustrations. Like amulets, rings, etc. Small bonusese are possible for waepons. Krowly's lucky trowel already gives him small luck bonus :) Yeah, I was thought that some artifacts could be cursed, or something like this


1) прибавку похоти при смене времени суток не сложно, я подумаю об этом :) 2) эта сцена с Джилл и лифчиком мне нравится, но юмор еще и в том, что практически никто в игре их не носит :D У Дженны и Фины выглядывает что-то похожее, но я не уверен что это лифчики. +5 это очень много для боя с какими-нибудь феечками или тентаклями. Не уверен что хочу сильно усложнять жизнь тем кто играет голым Кроули или т.п. Но сам а идея возможно, если с не таким большим дебафом. И предвижу проблему что бeлье и лифчик можно будет одеть одновременно :P Хотя возможно Кроули просто хочет держать свои сиськи под полным контролем xD Я думал о варианте что белье должно одеваться под одежду, но это на будущее


straw hat? :D I thought about it, but for now I don't want to invest time into new outfits for Krowly


Имеет смысл, но я боюсь эт заставит игроков постоянно заморачиваться со сменой экипировки. Я бы хотел этого избежать :) Была еще идея что с лопатой Кроули сможет раскапывать могилы и тем самым призывать секси призраков, но я так и не придумал оправдание зачем ему это делать. Он темный маг конечно, но у некромантии пока нет места в сюжете


maybe.. not sure yeat, but maybe. I mean several people already asked about a cock ring for Krowly


Do you mean like adding nipple piercing to them? It will require making a variant for every scene with them so probably no :)


More outfits are fun, but they are also requiring a lot of work to implement. I want to finish my game someday. That's way I have to limit the amount of features and things like this. I may add some more outfits when the game will be more finished but I can't promise anything right now


I'm thinking about more spells too, and maybe switching the grimoires could be a good idea. It would help to not have too many spells to search through every time. But I need to think about it. Like the idea about butt plug protecting from the "back stab" moves in the battle. It makes more sense them preventing the sex scenes :)


Here's a couple of ideas: - Obsidian mirror, 'Antique handheld mirror. Gives small chance to blind enemies'. Maybe it could be used for a masturbation scene. - Bolas (or boleadoras), 'Two (or 3) wooden balls connected by a rope. Use once per combat to stun an enemy during one turn'. There's a chinese version called meteor hammer. Chinese balls scene perhaps? - Joke book, 'A battered book with odd jokes. Can be used in combat for confusing the audience (even allies), chance to enrage an enemy'. ^_^ - Magic canteen (water bottle), 'The content is always ice cold / Is always filled with water / a sweet thick liquid. Reduces your lust / Restore a small amount of hp/mana but increases lust'. - Broken compass, 'Made from lapis lazuli. The needle never points north'. Pirates of the Caribbean reference. Cheers.

Kawaii poni

а можно будет противника бить лопатой?)


1) do you mean for Krowly's every attack/spell? 2) I don't think it's something mages are using, but maybe some enemies could use it :) 3) that's funny :) Not sure if it's would be very usable in battle but I like it. Maybe it could be for Juliette, if she will ever join the party in the battle 4) I assume it could be just an item for sale? Thanks for sharing your ideas :)


Да, я уже добавил лопату в качестве оружия. Будет доступно в следующей версии :)

Kawaii poni

хорошо а теперь вопрос у гг появляется возможность отростить сиськи но от части он становиться футой он тело его остаеться мужским будет ли переработка внешности у гг ну допустим переработка бёдер и удаление кадыка?))


Нет. Если будут какие-то дополнительные трансформации для Кроули, то это будут только кратковременные ивенты. То есть нельзя будет, например, отрастить второй ряд сисек и бегать вокруг как ни в чем не бывало выполняя квесты)

Kawaii poni

Ну так по квесту у него грудь отрастает