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I'm working on the next update but I think it will be finished only April 11th or 12th. Hope you don't mind to wait a little bit more :)



Take your time and don't stress yourself! ^^

Kevin Daley

Where literally in a pendemic. We understand everything will take longer now

Haydar Tyrsson

Honestly, I would rather you take your time and be happy with the work. I have seen too many good games end because the creator got too stressed out from the workload. All in all keep up the great work.


Wait, we getting some waifu?

Kevin Daley

That or stop posting consistently. Their still hard at work on it it’s just a job now and that means it usually lacks pashion so the quality falls and updates become a chore

Kenta Usui

im getting a waifu? Of course Ill wait!


Wish we could just steal her for ourselves. Damn you Derek, getting that sweet goblin waifu. Still love this screenshot for the dialog. Stinks to have to wait, but don't rush on our accounts. We want you to stay well and safe. Don't overwork yourself, we are more than alright with waiting till it's ready.


Do not stress yourself and Keep up the great work!


Thanks for understanding, guys :)


Your work is nothing short of fantastic, nobody minds to wait.

Its comin cant wait keep up the great work hope your doin good stay safe and healthy


I understood about pregnancy in the game, thanks for explaining. Listen, what about getting married in the game? So that you can marry any girl in the game. And for each, you need to do something special, complete some unique and complex quest chain, have a certain level of talent, and more. Or, introduce at least one such, the hottest and make it possible for her. But this quest will be semi-secret, long and difficult :) it would be super!


Right now I'm not 100% sure what possible endings the game will have, so it's hard to say anything about marriage in game :)