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  • StudioNEOV2 2023-09-25 22-47-06.mp4
  • StudioNEOV2 2023-09-25 22-49-17.mp4
  • StudioNEOV2 2023-09-25 22-45-46.mp4



"You know, Penguin, I'm kinda jealous of you."


"I wish I was birb, like you, so I can keep my breath for very long underwater. Like a birb."


"What do you mean?"


"I see. So if I expose myself to a lot of underwater breathing, evolution will take care of the rest by evolutionizing me!?"


"You are right about that too: Science and machines and technology can always for to accelerate evolution!!! I just have to invent a device that will, just like birbs, learn me to keep my breathing for a long time!!!"


"You are right about that too: I did already invent such a device and I just totally forgot about it because of my memory disability. It was called the Waterenuem and-"


"... It was called the Submerseum and it is already installed outside right over the weird japanese koi pond or whatever we have in the backyard of our very japanese home, in America. The device is ready to go and I just need as for to strap myself to it!!!"


"You are right. Delphine is not home yet and safety is first. So YOU'll have to check on me. If anything happens, you need to open my cellular telephone, enter the password, open up the Appigail, wait for the daily update, should take between 15 and 25 minutes maximum, enter the password to the Appigail, verify your identity via text message by entering the 8 numbers they will text you into the place you need to enter them, then simply open up the Appigail menu, choose the Control menu, choose the Devices menu, choose the Furnitures, Appliances And Other Heavy Devices menu, choose the Backyard menu, choose the Submerseum menu and then simply press the Off button."


"Exactly. Let's start this shit."

569$ But I'll let the prototype go for 69$... I don't want it anymore...

45-46 is dressed up
47-06 is naked up
49-17 is malfunctioned up. Just a funny one where I spin real fast lol



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