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The January 2024 Edition of the Monthly Movie Club! Come watch Hook with me at 4PM PST!


Monthly Movie Club Stream January 2024 Edition - Hook (1991)

The Monthly Movie Club Stream! This month - Hook (1991)



For people watching along in the US the movie is on Hulu


This has always been one of my favorite childhood movies I grew up watching. I was disappointed as an adult to learn that Spielberg doesn't like it and considers it one of his failures, but I love everything about it, from the beautiful stage-like sets to the incredible score. I find this movie hilarious and easily one of Dustin Hoffman's best performances. One of the funniest things about it IMO is that Hoffman and Bob Hoskins, while rehearsing, realized that Hook and Smee basically interact like an old gay couple and decided to play them that way, which was perfect. They're a hilarious pair. "When I did Hook, Bob Hoskins and I were rehearsing, and suddenly we looked at each other and realized it at the same time. We said, "These guys are gay!" Hook and Smee are a couple of old queens, and it was fun." Also, it WAS originally intended as a musical, but they realized early in production that it wasn't working. The original musical pieces were recently rediscovered and recorded. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1220028578/spielbergs-1991-movie-hook-was-nearly-a-musical-now-its-score-has-been-released "The most lavish number was a big choreographed sequence when Peter first arrives in Neverland — and the pirates burst into a song called "Low Below." With choreography by Vince Paterson, who worked with Madonna and Michael Jackson, Spielberg spent an entire week shooting that elaborate routine. But when he and John Williams reviewed the campy footage, they looked at each other and realized ... their musical was a very bad idea."