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Steve Buscemi is the best 



Hello Everybody! This movie was just brilliant PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rolypolyolliereactions INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rolypolyolliereactions/



Can I make a request please,most patreon reactors keep the movie box in the corner slightly visible throughout the whole movie,they just blur the screen so that patreons can still make out the shapes and image for syncing,just in case we have to pause it or watch it in a couple of parts and come back to it So instead of yours completely disappearing after a few seconds, it would be cool if you were able to do that,at the moment I have been using the reflection in your closet behind you,but I am not sure if that will be an option in your new apartment Thank you

RolyPolyOllie Reactions

Oh yeah for sure! I never thought about that but it makes perfect sense I can totally do that :) thank you so much for the suggestion!


Mr Pink did not get away,If you listen closely you can hear Mr. Pink getting stopped by the cops when he runs outside at the end,you can can hear the dialogue as the police try to arrest him and the shootout following that,it all happens as whilst Mr. White and Orange were talking on the floor