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This backstory is killing me...



So gooood


It said "A BADLY behaving child will be eaten up by D" But I think you read it as "A BABY behaving child will be eaten up by D" But yea, it's basically like a folktale, to scare kids. Since for Celestial Dragons the D. is basically the worst thing. Which is connected to the blank century which also is unknown because the Government doesn't want anyone to know about it.


Yeah I'm sure that literally nobody from the normie current gen CDs know about the truth either, only mfs like Gorosei who are the 5 CDs at the top & look almost all old farts, excepting that 1 dude who has blond hair, presumably the youngest of em at least visuals wise. Also Joe pls go see an optometrist, your eyes aren't right given how you consistently fuck up reading shit like simple English subs across tons of franchises & videos etc