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Had to make some changes to get the lighting reasonable, but here is a basic test. It isn't at all perfect as it's mainly a test of the ability of AI to blow each other away. As you can see, there are a few bugs to work out with the AI still, but bleeding and all that is working. That said, I think it's still fun :)  I'll be making a version where the AI actually attack the player, but time has been short due to work. 

Known issues:

1.) Alexia (tiny red dress) seems to be a bit daft and seems to be invincible to other AI for a reason I can't figure (yet) - you can totally blow her away, though (which is odd)

2.) After the opening shots, the AI all seem to just hang out until you shoot someone (first priority fix)

3.) Some animators seem to lock up after combat and AI float-walk or stand in place while walking (second priority)

4.) Blood splatters look too dark in this lighting, need to adjust

5.) Due to UV mapping issues, some oddity with wounds not appearing in some areas is to be expected (this is high priority once I am off for the summer as it will require a LOT of time and study)

6.) Muzzle flashes are not appearing on AI weapons as they should

Didn't have time for fancy controls, so hold F over the rifle on the ground (there will be a pop-up) and hit F over the magazines. Rifle is currently set to infinite magazine for testing.

Shift ---> Run

Space ---> Jump

Ctrl ---> Crouch

Let me know if you notice anything particularly odd. The individual model UV maps make perfection of wounds difficult and is something that I'm working on figuring out long-term. 



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