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Whoo! And also, whew! >.> This issue was just a killer–really happy with it, though, on the plus side! As you've all gathered, yup, there is indeed a time-skip; the second half of this issue was meant to expleen what happened out in super-space, but it would have run just insanely long, so I'm splitting it up <X3 It'll be a clearer, bigger start to the next arc, but also give everyone a moment to just breathe. Because that makes the pecs expaaaaaaand <3

Enjoy! Boob Camp is already underway! <3




Good lord this was an incredible volume, the sheer amount of details in the background alone was staggering, so very well done bro!! Also poor Johan and James, hope James is alright, and poor Johan looks so worried about him ;_;


Thanks a million, bro! ^///^ I know I've said it before, but coming from you, that means so much <3


XD I had to go back and check out the Bee and the Giraffe!