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I didn't know this movie existed! It was kind of a treat. It felt like a fresh take on the monster but made in the true spirit of the franchise. It may not be perfect, but the King of the monsters lives!

Full Movie Reaction: https://youtu.be/iqnxBUx4ppc

*I purchased this film on Amazon Prime Video. The Original Japanese Version




Hideaki Anno is best known for the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, which is a vicious deconstruction of the classic "kids fighting monsters with giant robots" shows, where this time they're afflicted with all the pain and PTSD that would actually happen. It's also notorious for Anno pouring his own battles with depression into the material, making for an extremely hard watch at times, and also for lacking any real ending as the studio was nearly bankrupt by the time the final two episodes were made, so they're just a dive into the main character's psyche with a hodgepodge of old clips and severely limited animation on new material. Definitely worth a look, and you can very much tell the same guy is behind Shin Godzilla, with some shots looking nearly identical.