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Heya! We had a few days of break after the Valentine's Day video, but we're going to start working on the next of the zodiacs soon!

I spent a few days in the Polish mountains with my boyfriend (he was only one week in Poland 😭), and I decided to pick some numbers up the mountain! I randomly picked 5 and 8 by throwing snow balls, and then when I came back, we picked prompts from a vase using these numbers. And we got "eyes (heads more, tails less)" and "insect." And a coin flip decided that she's going to have less than 2 eyes.

I also wanted an extra prompt because it's my sign, and I created a list of smooth jazz songs and shuffled it randomly. It turned out to be "Cry me a River" by Julie London.

So we've got river, crying, one or no eyes and a bug. Interesting combo 😅

Because Aquarius is an air sign but connected with water, we want to use a dragonfly as an inspiration as they are living near lakes and rivers. We tried a few ideas with no eyes or a "pirate style" with an eye patch, but my favorite is a one big crying eye with a pond inside the iris. And these are the ideas for the look! There's some swamp looks, alien looks, and one more casual, and I think I like the bright alien with a waterfall pieces of fabric and space buns (to mimic dragonfly eyes).

What do you think?




I think picked prompts really work together great!. Honestly, I'm not going to be very helpful here, I can't decide which concept art I like the most. I love super-pastel-holographic colors of the last one, but agree about darker teal ones fit the river/swamp theme...


The concepts look bangin so excited