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I was meaning to finally post an update on the Bridgerton project yesterday but instead had a bit of a meltdown with it not going the way I wanted it and ended up redoing a lot of things so for now, until the final dress looks the way I want it to, let's look at the prototype.
The more I work on the final dress the more my opining on the prototype changes. All of the sudden I don't think it's so bad anymore 😅 but I think it's because this one is already done vs the final dress which still needs to be done, along with preparing to leave my home to live and work in Japan for 3 months. You know. Like driving to other cities because of vaccine shortages and all that good stuff.

I always knew it would be a big undertaking but I am now realizing how big of a deal this really is. In the time since the beginning of the year so much has happened, and that's about the same amount of time I will spend in Japan. Preparing and packing is really stressful for me. The worst part is trying to be clairvoyant and preparing for all scenarios ahead of time. Like who will take care of emergencies when I'm away? Plus, I really want to have this one doll made ahead of time so we don't leave the channel hanging for 3 months. The fear that we'll lose the little momentum our channel has left because of this trip is really getting to me.

At the end of the day I know it will all be fine, but pushing through these few weeks will be tough. We hope to keep you as updated as we can 💕 please hold on though as we are navigating through a huge shift in our lives.

I'm sitting down to sew some more so I can fix all the mistakes and start embellishing the dress with sequins and pearls. This is my first gown and historical outfit so I hope it will be good enough 😅




Please make sure you're taking care of yourselves!! Keeping the momentum isn't worth losing your health over, we'll still be here when you get back, even if it means missing a doll or two

The Barbie Witch

I know you guys rely on this for income, but what happens happens. Bernadette Banner hasn’t released any new YouTube content in weeks, which is horrifying, but I’m satisfying myself by watching all of her old content over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Run repeats of old shows, but edited with VHS filters? Then it’s nostalgic, like when you’re stuck watching reruns during summer break or during a writer’s strike.