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First I wanna say thank you to EVERYONE for your support~  As of now, I think I want to add some extra tiers, but I'm not sure what I should add.  I'm still sorta new to this Patreon thing, and I feel like maybe just access to some .psd files doesn't seem like enough.

I was thinking of making adding a weekly Caturday poll to the $1 and up tier, or maybe work in some kinda refreshable monthly tier that gets like...a free drawing a month.  Well, not a free one, but i think you understand what I mean by that.

I'm more or less brainstorming, but if any of you have any ideas, feel free to post them here!



What about a request tier for a certain number of people? You could do a full picture for those that choose the tier. Another idea could maybe be some tiers with percentages off of any commission works that you do for them. Do any of those sound good to you?


I'd hop in on some kind of sketch tier, for sure.


Tutorials on how you handle various parts of art?