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When I thought there would be no more delays, Photoshop reminded me that files can be damaged.




Sophia looks absolutely incredible! Hopefully you and I will get to link up on Discord sometime!


Thanks for delivering the goods even when problems do happen. It seems that this is the point where Sophia gains some confidence (if she could grow this much while not trusting herself, imagine what she will be able to do now!)


What a body! She looks amazing ^^


Worth the wait! And don't worry, Sophia, like they say, "the best time to start was years ago, but the second best time is now!"

Angelo Brewster

Sophia looks beautiful and powerful, looks like she gaining confidence and embracing her incredible body now.


Glad it was just computer issues, and not something more serious. Really digging getting to see Sophia again (and really like that expression on her face in the "not bad" panel). Any chance we get to see her bigger sooner rather than later?


Thanks for your comment, I also like that expression of Sophia, and yes, she will grow up in volume 5 of the comic.


Thanks for your comment! It is the first time that they give me such a feedback, and I liked it


Thanks for your comment, I really like to commit myself to what I do, and I'm sorry for the delays, but I'm back on track and will be posting regularly. I have a lot of unfinished new stuff that I plan to post this year, so thanks for your patience. (yes, sophia is less shy now, but I'm sure she's still not satisfied with her body)