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this was fucked up

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xd0i6q57ztpuqlwls2inf/Lost-120.mkv?rlkey=37qdy0mbwu8kws5rc00axffz2&dl=0



Victor L.

The music theme during the scene on the beach - when Shannon finds out about Boone's death while everyone else is admiring Claire's new baby - is titled "Life and Death". Once, a few years after Lost had finished I found some piano sheet music for music from Lost. With my rudimentary piano skills, I took a shot at playing "Life and Death" without really knowing what the music sounds like - and as soon as I heard it, I inexplicably wanted to cry...


Obviously Boone dying is a bummer, but as you now know, he isn't a very major character in the 7 season grand scheme of things (though I do like him more than several of the characters that live much longer), so I didn't expect to cry. And I didn't ... until Shannon got there