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Was I planning to relax and do nothing in Barcelona? So)

My body decided to help me with this - I have herpes zoster. This is such an unpleasant disease that is accompanied by painful pimples and their itching and is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. But there is no reason to be afraid, because I quickly went to the doctor and started treatment, and in two days I feel great .... But the point is that I am still contagious for at least a week, and in order not to endanger people who  are hadnt  chicken pox in the past, I have to stay at home.

Guess if my friends and acquaintances who live in Barcelona were sick with this disease? - of course not. So they can't even visit me.

That's why I'm in quarantine at home - I sleep, eat, read, watch movies - that's exactly what I wanted - well, almost)



philm camera

Beautiful pics. Feel better....


Get well soon Julia 🍀