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Happy New Years everyone! The whole world should be caught up to 2024 now!

Lots of exciting new things this year, specifically a huge massive change to super old ancient Reaper Tier AKA the student 1 on 1 class tier.

Reaper Tier Update

That tier is now gone and replaced with a new streamlined tier that contains a course that lets the patron pick weather they would like a 6 month or a 12 month course!

The classes will still be 1 on 1, once a week for a 2-3 hour timeslot which both me and the student will organize together.

Much of the course is still the same, details will soon follow in its own post. Keep an eye out for it! THIS TIER IS NOT FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.

PSD Files

PSD File drops will make a return and this time in the form of PSD packs! They'll all be zipped up and uploaded for better convenience!

Work Completion Preference

This has been around for a while, however it is not very much known to many and patrons may have a misconception on how WIP and which pieces get picked and moved to completion.

I want emphasize once again that:

Liking and commenting on WIPs gives me an indication on which WIPs get moved in the priority order to completion.

If you enjoy one of the WIPs, and would love to see it finished ASAP. PLEASE TELL ME SO! Like the post or comment, this will help me make those choices because I just have floods of ideas and WIPs come in at a time.

And thats it! I dont want to make this post too long as I can imagine most of you are still recovering from the new years hangover. I hope you have a wonderful new years and I hope to see you all soon!

P. S. If any of you are attending Supanova this year at Melbourne, Australia. I will be having a table there to sell merch. :)


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