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There are many that dwell in the Holy Vatican City and many more that do not know of their secrets. Within their sanctimonious halls there are those find themselves at odds with their faith. It is not uncommon to find many a vampire that have found their faith in god, a beacon and symbol for all those that hide in the darkness. 

However, it is a true test of will for those that are always tempted by the call of the red nectar..

Hey all! This is just something ive had on my to-do list for a very long time now, a newly born vampire girl named Faith that is trying to suppress her inner beast by devoting her life to the church. Will you tempt her or help her to see the light?

side note: sorry if that little bit at the top is cringey i dont really think of myself as a writer but i like to practice with every chance i can get




Quick! Give her the D! evotion of God and love of jesus

Royale Payne

God Fucking Dammit.