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POV: You're materia left unattended


Hey everyone, just want to thank everyone for your continued support while I was on my downtime. As some of you may have known via my constant twitter ravings that I have not been doing very well physically, my vitamin D levels were at critical levels and I was in hell basically.

Im still not at 100% but felt as tho I needed to get back in the groove of things otherwise I woulda have a repeat of a few years back where I was content dry for months just cause I was taking a health break. Not this time :P




Man I didn't know about that! honestly take care of yourself first, go at you pace till you fill better, ok ? Also this yuffie REALLY WANT my materia.... Yeah, easy joke


Really glad to hear you are doing better. I hope you never feel too bad about needing time to heal and recover, we all do at some points. And I care more that you are ok anything else.


Oh yeah geez take care of yourself first. Your mental health is important too! If you're struggling with guilt over lost productivity, consider it a challenge. I struggled with mobility issues and joint pain when I was younger, and there were some days that the only thing that got me out of bed was that I would try and calculate the most efficient way to get to my chair, or the restroom, or kitchen. The pain became secondary to the challenge of testing and improving my route. So maybe experiment with minimalism? See how much emotion you can put in something with the fewest (energy requiring) details. Do like... some stick figure comics. Whatever gives you that burst of creative dopamine without draining your reserves. (Thanks for reminding me to take my vitamin D supplements, I had been neglecting them.)


Very cute! And take the time you need to take care of yourself. That comes first <3


yuffiieee i love this


Haha, i'll definitely try but knowing me once I get going its really difficult to cut back on what I can put out. Definitely have an unhealthy relationship with work :P


Thank you! im trying to pace myself but knowing me I can only hold back for so long :P Will get on your pledge reward soon too!