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It's time for a new report and the main news of the week is that I've been able to progress a lot with the game. Luckily I've returned to my usual pace of work after finishing with all the releases and publications of chapter two, so this week I focused 100% on working on chapter 3 (that's why I've been less active on Discord or in the forums).

As I told you, chapter three starts with a path division, and I've almost finished one of them. The only problem is that if you choose a different path, all the work of this week will go unnoticed for you, but well... it gives you the possibility to replay it exploring different options, I guess that's pretty cool.

Next week I'll publish the first preview image of the new chapter, I suppose you're already anxious to see something new.


Tall Geeky & Cool

We are going to need some kind soul to make a mod that allows us to go down all routes


wooby wout!