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As promised, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is FINALLY here.

After over a year, and swapping from one art program to another. Juggling this along with weeklies for Twitter, the IRL job, monthly hang outs from friends and vacations with relatives, and everyone who wanted commissions. Twenty-Two and a half minutes long of what I hope will be the beginning of something bigger and better.

I know the quality of this has some dents. Some animation slip ups and things with the audio mixing. It's mostly me going from Paint Sai to Clip while working on this and getting used to the changes, and after a while I was just speeding through this as much as I could. But rest assured, next project I'll be more careful and well-paced whichever one it will be. And I'll only be posting updates on here before making any public announcements until it's ninety percent complete.

As for this project, this link will remain patron only, it'll give everyone here a direct download link whenever they wish. And all of you will get to see this exclusively for two straight days before it goes public. Once the episode goes out, I'll plan on adding an addition or so just for the patrons' sake. Something a little extra to show immense gratitude towards all of you.

We made it, Fellers. I'll be taking a bit of a break after this, lots of cleaning up and self-care to catch up on. After a week or so, I'll post an update here on what the plan for the next year will e and how it will go about. Everyone here can still get commissions and whatnot from me, but beyond that I'll be stepping back a bit after all of this.

I'll be in touch, Peeps. And enjoy the show.



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