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As I post this, another weekly will be posted to the public. When this is ready to go, I'll make a public announcement and place the original file of the weekly in question on here. A swap, basically.

For everyone showing great patience for the completion of this project, I present the first 4 minutes of Act 2, which is the remaining bit that needed my attention these last few months. This is the biggest part of the project, as it has the most shots, characterization, and it obviously has the best bits in it.

Consider this as proof that this animation will see the light of day very soon. I plan on speed running the next chunk (+1 minutes' worth of clips) within this next week, and just a few more shots for the best part *wink wink*.

As this Episode is completed, it'll stay archived on here for 2-3 days exclusively for all of you to see. Then it'll go public. And if I feel it, I'll make a Patreon Edition with some extra stuff in it. We'll se though, i just wanna get this done first.

I can see the light at the end of this Fellers, we're gonna make it!



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Aw, dang, I can't see the video? When I click the thumbnail, it just turns into a url where the pic once was.