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Thanks everyone for letting me try something new with this series. 

I'd love to do something like this again soon, but I'll record it properly and work out a way to make it sound like a voicemail.

Actually recording on my phone kind of took away a lot of control when it came to quality so thank you for being tolerant of that.

Next time I do something of this sort, it'll be a bit more polished and listenable. 

Thank you thank you.


Hello Hello!

For this month's SFW audio I wanted to try something different. 

As you know, I have a very hard time releasing just one audio if it's around 10 minutes. 

Which is why I often do suites of things. 

I feel a bit guilty if I release a 10 minute audio, but that's a topic for another time.

I had to skip town this week  due to some familial obligations, so I thought it'd be a chance to try something interesting.

The story is, your sweet boyfriend (who's pretty cute, if I say so myself), is going out of town to help cater for his cousins wedding.

He won't have cell reception so you won't be able to talk on the phone, but he says at night he'll be able to chat with you on discord.

The first night out he sends you a link to a google drive folder and says, 

" Got here later than I thought I would T-T

I think you're already asleep.

I'm not sure if you'll enjoy this, sorry if it's hard to listen to. But I was thinking of you and I started recording. 

I'll upload more in the folder when I can! 



It may not be for everyone as the audio quality won't be quite as high as the usual, but hopefully you'll enjoy it nonetheless. I recorded it using my phone (which will go unnamed since I'm not sponsored) for the full affect of immersion. 

Hopefully it's not too rough on the ears.

Please enjoy,



Kai ✰

I was 100% invested, this was super sweet ! 🥺😭


This was so cute! I absolutely LOVED this collection of audios💕