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Apologies for the delay, things became a bit hectic IRL but I'm all good now!

Auc Vault / Drive Folder


March 11, 2018 - (3 days after #110, 38 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

Sunday had arrived, yet Susan and Nathan were still at their weekend escapade. They would get a message from his mother when everything was ready, but the morning and afternoon passed with zero notifications. Before the evening struck, they ordered takeout sushi. Nestled next to each other on the sofa while Nathan was essentially feeding Susan given her limited ‘operation space’. Unfortunately a piece of maki slipped from his chopsticks, tainting her top with soy sauce before tumbling down into her cleavage.

Susan laughed and let Nathan fish out the piece for her. When he found it and held it up, she plucked it from his hand and threw it into her mouth. Chewing and swallowing it with a big smile.

Nathan helped her change to her pajama shirt, not one Susan expected to wear on the return, but was now forced to, given that her wardrobe had just ran out. During the clothing switch was when they got the much anticipated message. They quickly finished up their business and set off for the journey back.

The car ride back consisted of quietly enjoying the quiet humming of their car with the radio turned down. Susan was constantly fiddling with the hem of her shirt, lifting it up and down to create as much motion as possible. Despite the A/C being off in the chilly days that were early March, Susan’s belly radiated so much heat that she had no choice but to cool it down constantly. Occasionally there was some activity inside as some of the babies nestled around, which Susan always loved to feel and experience.

Eventually they reached the road through a forest that had became increasingly familiar through the past few months. Their anticipation grew as the house appeared from behind a thicket of trees. They had seen the beige concrete layered with wood before, but this time it was different.

Nathan pulled up the handbrake before facing the love of his life. “You ready?”

With a big smile Susan nodded, but that was all she could do. As eager as she was, she would still have to wait for Nathan to open her door and guide her standing. Over the last few weeks that had became a full necessity, rather than something she would occasionally ask for. Her muscles just couldn’t keep up with how much the septuplets grew.

Shortly after Susan was standing straight up, the front door opened. There stood Nathan’s mother, Madison, with open arms.

“Welcome to your new abode!” She said.

“Hi mom.” Nathan was rather occupied with checking if Susan could stand and walk without assistance. He guided her for a little bit before letting go.

She turned to Susan “Hey sweetie! Thanks for holding out for so long for us to finish your ho-ome!” She gave her daughter-in-law a hug, or at least as best as she could from the side. “How are you feeling?”


“You sure look the part...” His mother eyed Susan’s massively protruding stomach. “Right... uhm so I had this commissioned!”

She guided the sight on the wall, where there was a metal plate. It wasn’t just any metal plate, the cuts made it clear who was going to live here. The Bronwyn Family, house number 3.

“Oh woow!” Susan said, reaching out to touch the metal. “I hadn’t even thought of this. It kinda makes it...”

“Official, like this is actually a proper house...” Nathan joined, feeling similarly in awe.

“I’m glad! Now... how about we get a photo of the two of you with your new home before I give you the tour?”

The two posed next to the number plate, Susan with her arms wide open and Nathan pointing at the plate itself. After snapping a few photo’s, Madison guided them inside their new home.

From the get go it looked different compared to just a couple of days ago, the hallway walls had a nice dark green finish. On one side of the wall was a mirror, a coat hanger, as well as a place to hang up any keys. They immediately went up the half-stairs to the open space that was the living room and kitchen. Carefully Nathan guided her up the stairs, one slow step at a time. It would only be a week or two before she herself would be able to use them unassisted again.

Despite using various furniture that they recognized, along with new purchases; It felt completely fresh. Cabinets in fitting places, of which one had their wedding photo. A sofa in front of the same television, but at the back there was an L-shaped couch. It would no doubt be used by their parents to help raise the kids, but also as the kids themselves as they grow older.

Susan imagined them scrambling about, while others watch television or play board games with their dad. It made her unexpectedly emotional. Never before did her imagination look this far in the future, it was always her shining rock Nathan that had to sell her on daydreams.

She had to sit down to process what she was feeling. It was one thing when everyone was telling her about potential futures and this house, but another entirely when a large chunk of it was finished and ripe for her nesting instincts to go wild.

Nathan sat down and wrapped his arm around Susan, delighted to join in on her imaginations. His mother took in the sight of a couple, stronger than ever to tackle whatever life threw at them. With the relief of being able to help, she let them be for the rest of the evening.



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