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I had some issues pop up while rendering, and I was able to get at least this much done. The fluid physics keeps breaking and shifting for no reason, and the background just doesn't look good. So, I'm going to stop here with this project for now and take a long break. It feels like the same thing that happened with the Chun Li animation is happening with the widow animation, too many issues.

I've been getting really annoyed, and this is starting to become frustrating. So, I'm just gonna take a break from this. I've paused the Patreon billing, and I'm sorry for not coming up with anything wild lately. Honestly, these past two months have been a struggle, and I think I've burned the creativity fuse again with all the problems that keep occurring.

Here is the mp4 video, just doesn't look that great imo : https://files.catbox.moe/w8j0mq.mp4



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