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When the monsters have given life, their needs need to be maintained. The life essence and their power are fed by lab's energy source. Their other needs are need to be satisfied by the lab pets. For this monster in particular, a lot of pets are needed to serve it. Even when they take turns serving the monster, they still can't keep up with its energy.


I was almost got overwhelmed by this piece, designing the monster, the backgrounds, and the power source stuffs. Until recently I realized that the overwhelming feeling came from my own standard to make everything neat and tidy. When I look back at my old art, I was able to make more frequent post few times a week because the line quality were very loose. At some point I "upgraded" my linework and as a result, finishing each artwork takes too much time and energy. 

Last month I said that I want to explore my own worldbuilding, if I can produce finished (but not perfect) artwork quicker, it's definitely a better way to achieve that objective. Next month I will start trying to "downgrade" my artwork, keep the linework loose and the rendering minimal. If I can produce artwork quicker, I can get back to posting art twice a month again on Patreon. For commission work, I'd still keep the quality as is, until the loose style matures.




Great work! Always a joy seeing this setting


Another amazing concept, as the team works around the clock to ensure satisfaction. XD