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Hey everyone.
The are the drawings to be expected in the February pack which you should have received by the 7th.

There is a delay again I am currently finishing off the top right drawing and beginning work on a Raven and Jinx drawing which I only managed to save the sketch of since I had a photoshop corruption that I couldn't even recover with my restore tool , because , I , By my mistake worked locally instead of online where I have better restoring options. This corruption engulfed another near finished drawing which I'm also currently trying to finish.

This update however is shedding light on something else. I had a massive delay as I lost a week worth of work during Feb and March. Apart from the Jinx Raven setback, So far, I have had 4 clients who took up my time to sketch, communicate, and work on their drawings. In 2 cases, they cancelled during the sketch phase and said I paraphrase their email : 'Thank you for the sketch and concept, but I'll cancel this commission and finish the drawing with AI.'  Mofos then had the audacity to send me a semi finished picture which looked like some abomination of my initial sketch but i guess was liked enough.

In the other 2 cases, we had agreed on a 50-50 deal, but they did not honor it. And during a WIP update, the client stated they would pay for the rest as it was cheaper to finish it with AI and be good enough.

This overall trend is significantly demoralizing me, making it very hard to finish my drawings. I have a constant itch at the back of my mind, pondering dark themes of the future.
Overall Ill be changing my policy to be paid upfront 100% of the sum from now on to attempt to combat this, refusing any form of payment plans or 50-50s erc.
Ive looked into some form of anti AI marks when updating ,so the images cannot be fed in or used by the diffusion models, but they are still being developed and not out yet.

I'm writing this to apologize for this overall delay and slow pace of mine. I hope to finish and update you lovelies til the end of this work week (11-12th) March.





What a shitty thing to do. Looking forward to the drawings and remember to also take care of yourself!


You would make more money by dropping commissions and producing more for your patrons, especially if you made comics.


That is something I have been thinking for the past few months. And honestly I think Ill begin exactly that. Ill try to complete all current commissions as I have a lot of material written down for comics that has been collecting dust for years now. I need to either develop a simplistic style so I have proper weekly updates or switch in some absurd gear and continue with my current style.