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A commission an OC Kairi Banging Ahri from LoL

Also a message to the patreons. I have edited the pledges for my patreon page down to only 2 tiers + 1 tier which is more like in case someone is feeling more generous but offers nothing more.

They are down to ,a simple 1 dollar and 3 dollar tier.  Reducing the management i have to do with each tier in messaging and file prep.
To those who are 5 tier, which is the majority , good news! Please upgrade to the new lower price!

The reason for this reduction is my inability to continue making complex patreon drawings due to sadly in real life money quota that require me to focus on commissions and other things than patreon , as i mentioned in previous posts, patreon actually makes me lose money given the huge amount of time I sink into a patreon quality drawing.

Because of that I'm moving to a new personal art project to reward patreons , Given the time and energy i put into it tho , i dont feel I can morally charge money for it as its waaay more simplistic than a normal patreon 10-14 day drawing. Thus new tier prices.

Rewards will remain as stated in their tiers., You will still get all my public art at raw 5k size plus if you;'re in the high tier you will be able to suggest and vote on the new patreon project
Thank you for being here and being a supporter !

Best regards



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