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Happy New 2018 to everyone! I hope you had an awesome welcoming of 2018.
I hope 2018 will see your wishes come true.

As for the bad news.
Upon my return home from the new year's party i attended, I found my home broken into.Among some valuables my PC was stolen and an old 30 inch TV i had.

Since this has happened to me before I keep a cloud backup of all my document and files and i also use bitlocker  , so they wont be getting my dank memes.

Ive lost around 2-3 days worth of work since I try to update my cloud every evening but kinda slacked around the holidays. It will take me a day or so to set up again and resume work.

Im pretty sure I'll be able to update you as I normally do ( around 4-6th ) But this post's is a notice and explanation if a delay does happen

My apartment wasnt the only one hit. 2 in total have been burglarized. It appears some of the thieves were greedy and came back for more or something and one of them was caught by a returning from a party neighbor. From what i learned they were some kids age around 16-18. From what the neighbor and police told me, their story is that they were " lost " and hid in the building because they were afraid of the fireworks.Gypsies usually are heavily retarded with their explanations то why they commit a crime.

As to how they entered my home , I gave a spare key to a neighbor to water my plants and  keep a look on my stuff in cases where I go on out of town for more than a few days or i happen to lose my keys. Her apartment was entered through the window where they found my spare key since she keeps it near the front door for some idiotic reason and for an even bigger idiotic reason she had a label to which apartment it is.

TL:DR : Happy new year.  I got burglarized , there might be a delay on rewards , but unlikely 



That sucks not a great start to the year, happy to wait if needed! Keep on keeping on!

Eddie Murphy

That's a terrible thing to have happen to you; I feel bad for you :-( Any chance of recovering your stolen items?


Damn dude that really sucks! Hopefully things only get better throughout the year... but It'd be great if the thieves got caught and you got your stuff back!


Wow, bad luck man. Hope the rest of the year goes better for you. (Don't suppose you can claim from insurance?) -BM


Got a few friends who work in pawnshops monitoring for my parts . and their serial numbers , but chances are pretty slim. Tho i do keep hope.


Ye sucks , but gotta play the hand Ive been dealt, Sadly I dont have insurance ( overall complicated issue for me to have one )


Damn, sorry to hear that... :( Don't worry about us, we can wait if you need more time and such ^^


I hope you can get your stuff back, but if you don't you should ask us for donations to replace your PC. I know how much it sucks to have to go without a computer you need.


Its really my own problem i dont want to bother people asking/begging for money. This post was made to inform in the case of a delay which given how things are moving is still very unlikely ,rewards should be out in a day or two