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 Vote for your favorite characters! I'll choose one of the top votes and make a drawing of it with a fitting theme

You can give me suggestions for more girls in the comments which will appear in the next poll!

Poll ends in 10 days 

Remember you can vote multiple characters! 



Not a fan of DC/Marvel crossovers, I take it? =P


I dont mind , wanted to see how people would vote :D Social Experiment

Eddie Murphy

I'd like to throw Blake Belladonna from RWBY into the ring, again.


If we can suggest characters i would suggest Daenerys Targaryen


Hmm, can't say I fancy any of these poll options :P Some suggestions for future polls below! - Morrigan (Darkstalkers) - Bayonetta - Dawnbringer Riven (League of Legends) - Yoko Littner (TTGL) - Jinx (League of Legends) - LeBlanc (League of Legends) - Headmistress Fiora (League of Legends) I can think of many more, but I figure I should try to limit myself xD


Oh ye will include some of these babies , should have asked you for a few ideas before i posted :|