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I present you the first floor of your new home! I tried to keep it fitting the building shape.

Your place take the whole floor! You also have stairs to reach your own rooftop!

There should be everything, I will maybe add more before the content release, it would bring more details, but at least we've got a great base!

I placed little things for future plot, like place are next to some place for plot reasons.

I just noticed I forgot the Dog's stuff haha!

I made the Ero-shower! well it's just a normal shower x) The water is coming from the roof. I draw fake shiny glass texture!

Oh shit, I just noticed the wall texture on the right is bugged!

there are rooms for everyone!
Wait, we are too many, they're not enough for everyone?!

I've already started the second floor, that is the rooftop! It will be a very pleasant rooftop, with green stuff, swimming poll, relax spot, gym etc... 

I really wanted it to contains everything to feel good at home.

Arg, I just saw the floor isn't aligned with the bricks wall x)

The mirror was very complicated because it doesn't work with the simulation, so I had to improvise something. That room feels a bit empty though, but I'll take it as it is for now, gonna fill it more later if I have new ideas.

there should be some heels here and there, I forgot haha

Anyway, there are some other spot that you'll discover in game ^^ I will soon show the rooftop!

After that I could: Finish the MC clothed, An other Male character, & the Dog. I will also have to merge the building with an environment, houses, etc...




Need xtoys.app integration


So far everything is looking great I think you're brilliant game maker and are going to be greater for the future if they ever truly bring full dive virtual reality