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Hello! follow ma on twitter if you want to get news that doesn't need an "official" post at https://twitter.com/eroniverse

Here are the news: 

  • There are 2 scenes that seems to not trigger, I'll take a look.
  • It seems that the game is getting bigger and bigger, many people can't play it anymore. It's loading "too much" content.
    I'm currently hardly working on it, I did many modifications but the results didn't changed a lot.
    Right now, I'm rewriting the complete structure of the game datas, it will theoretically make it a lot lighter, allowing the cheap PC to make it work (Instead of loading all the resources, it will load it when it will be called, kind of stuff like that)
    I'm not sure I could finish the Pink Update correctly this month :/
    If it works, everyone will be able to play it!
  • I have to work on it right now because when I'll add even more content with the new Update, more and more people couldn't play it any more.

I theoretically got the new system in mind, if it works perfectly I'll be able to finish it in 1 day, if it has many problems I'll need many days.

if I can make this long loading disappear it would be my best Update ever x).

Once finished, I'll work on the Pink update, I'll keep you Updated ^^ 



Keep up the good work :) my 1080ti doesn't even spin up the fans with this game but i suppose older PC's could have trouble.


Yes I have a good pc (but a normal graphic card) and it's working on mine, but I still get a time of loading :/ For now I'm currently coding, it looks promising ^^ (& Once I'll make it works I'll be able to use the new system for everything in the future)


Okay so for now, the new quest structure seems to work (it was 50% of the things that required many PC resources)


This is really funny, I plugged up my ten year old laptop w/ win7 on it and it is running the game perfect. But I can't seem to get the guard away. I know I need to wait but damn it is so good to play....