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hello! It seems patreon have some problems :D

I'm copy/pasting their message so I won't give you incorrect information ^^ You can change you payment method if you have some other ways to do it.

I don't really know how they'll fix it :s, but it seems it's affecting a lot of patrons, just in my community there are approximately 100 patrons that are affected. (25%)

Maybe I could make another way to support the Update on gumroad, for people that can't fix their problems with patreon, like a 2nd option... Just maybe, I don't know, the idea came while I was writing this post.
Like you could "buy" the Update just 1 time and only buy those that interests you, maybe?  For now I'm concentrating on doing the Update, I'll see later about that ^^




my bank for the first time declined payment think it was fraudulent activity. it just took a call to the bank to let them know it is a recurring payment that i approved.


it seems it's the issue of everyone, patreon changed something on their payment and many bank is considering it as fraudulent ^^


lol i have gotten a masseg from avery patreon saying paytreon fucked up again wow mine went throw after i talked to my bank