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Just a teaser, It's the last 24 hours, but don't expect it before the last minute ^^, I'm hard working like a beast on it! :D

For now I've started to play it, The sex battle is working correctly, I was very pleased to see that I was taking fun on it!!
Like trying to reach the maximum pleasure amount in the scene x). 

I'm very proud of my dialogue system I created, I don't get all these bugs I had on HV and I'm so much more free to manipulate it!

Another thing, I'm now sure I won't have the time to make the free map walking, so this version will stop at the end of the introduction. The rest will come in June!

This intro is very long O_o (compared to what I'm used to do) so as for now you can't save during the dialogue (it's a possibility for future update), you should plan your evening for it ^^ (I mean for people that actually read and not just click fast, you do what you want of course ^^)

See you soon for the News of the first version! :D



At the grossly exaggerated breasts, but not in a good way. They are completely unnatural.

Michael Chiarcos

Maybe Harem Island has a different value of gravity. I'm not complaining. : )


Her face is cute, but breast completely unnatural


All I can see is what looks like someone elses head stuck onto a body.


Can't take my eyes off of her ass :)


smaller bubble but slimer thighs and 3/4 size titties