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On the island there are many fantasy creatures (on the first version there won't be that much, you will stay around the plane at that time)

I will make many many different characters with different race, but it doesn't mean they will all have stories, it's to populate the world and get into some scenarios not involving sex content (I mean some won't be sexy at all, like Hag, ogre, trolls, except of people want adult stuff with them I could still add some). 

Example of Race that you could have adult content with: Fairies, Elves, Female Demons(many kind), Orcs? :o, and Dwarves if you'd like x)  

It's not like Harem villa or Insane seven where every characters is developed, it's good for Visual novels, but here it's it's more like the world is populated by a lot of people, and you will have adult stuff with some, and some not (Just random NPC for a quest or they just say a word etc...)
Of course if there are some NPC really appreciated by patrons I could give them more stories and plot ^^. I mean there is the main plot but I can add adult/normal content to whatever NPC you'd like.

Okay this one just above can have adult content x)

Sakura was ordered by the fairy Queen to watch on your group of human. She is a real fan of human and is really interested by observing them. She's also the one that will explains you how this world works.


A long time ago, I wanted to make a game with a sex battle system (like making choices of action during the sex to create your own scene, but also to manage her pleasure and yours). It was impossible with the dialogue system.
I just figured out that with my new system I created for H.I. it's possible è_é, so, I'm not announcing it, I will try to test it and give you some feedback.

How it could look like: You choose your move (Faster, stronger, slower, change position...) and it changes your pleasure and hers (for example, going fast increase her pleasure if she likes it, but also yours, it means you'll cum faster so her total amount of pleasure will stop)
!- Making a choice doesn't mean she will accept -!  
I would like to make that, so you won't be passive anymore on sex content,  like a real game you can loose or win, like with an objective of total value of pleasure. It won't be timed with fast click, it should be choice based.
I'll give you more feedback about it.
If I make it work (80% of chance), I'll add it at the beginning of the first version so you could experiment it.

The new experience or sex game is coming :o (I mean new concerning my own games, It probably already exists).

As I said, I'm not officially announcing it, just talking about it, because I don't want to "cancel it" just in case x) even if I'm 95% sure It should works.




The more you put out about this game the excited I am for the first demo.


I really like your concepts on the sex system and decisions made. Sounds difficult for you, but fun for us. Also, I hope that Sakura Chan is one of those characters that does get involved with sex with the main character. She is hot.


not in the first Update there is already too much stuff ^^ it should come later, of course she will have some!


Thank you. She is one hot elf? Fairy?