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TLDR: New screenshots! :D

 Gather around mutants! 

I know what you've been waiting for, so I'm bringing not one but three of them! 

Another busy weekend is behind me. I added new music to the game and created two new medium maps. Still have two huge maps to finish before I start with the programming. 

The plan is to finish these two maps in the next 10 days and that includes the creation of any new artwork required. Looking forward to diving into the code after that!

 P.S. Can you see the little joke in one of the screenshots?

If you can, let me know in the comments :)

See you soon!


I wonder what does the white forcefield do? And what about the red one?
This place is falling apart.
Who says you can't have a good time in prison?



Is this Tibbits?


Was the designated Prisoner uniform #13 as to denote a facility nomenclature or is this the limits of the Fallout 2 engine?

PJ & Co

Both! 13 means they belong to Cellblock 13. Also it's explained in the game why many have that number and it's funny xD