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Both bare wiggly-toed ripe-soled peds were ruddy, swollen, and as liquid-shiny with sponged-in sweat as Cody’s previous rag-body. The mere sight of those omnipotent feet reaching toward him was enough to make the shrinker’s spine chill, though any bodily coldness was quickly overcompensated by this utterly oppressive one-hundred-fifty-degree room climate around them. Fatigued as he already was from his use as a workout rag, the muggy practically-sticky air made the one-and-a-half-foot nudist feel like his weight had tripled and he was fighting to move through molasses. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem Kayla was in a patient enough mood to let him adjust, as she leaned against the sauna bench back to relax and then hoisted both wet beefy-undersoled feet close enough to Cody’s face that she could’ve scrunched his features into her lint-grimed toe crevices.

“Start licking my feet, loser,” she bluntly commanded. Kayla bunched and flared her saturated digits, animating the deep-arched crease-meaty tapestries of both heat-radiating soles. It shouldn’t have seemed possible when they were already in such a stiflingly-hot sauna, but Cody swore he felt the temperature climb even higher while breathlessly standing before the giantess’s moist rose-peachy peds. Adding insult to injury, she parted her hovering feet for just long enough to get a glimpse of his erection framed between her insteps, which gave her cause emit a low giggle again. “I had to do all the work out there, after all. Getting those gains and using you to clean up after myself. I mean, what am I, a poor person? Somebody as powerful as me – even if I can only use that power on you – shouldn’t have to work so hard. And I’m sure you’d agree with that, creep, since you literally WISHED to be owned by somebody like me. Seriously, just look at that sad dick, standing right up even though you know what’s about to happen to you. That’s how bad you want this. Even if you never dreamed it would actually be literally-me owning you. But it is. Now stick out that worthless tongue and start slurping like the thirsty foot slut we both know you are. We can go once you’ve cleaned up every last drop.”

Having no choice, as usual, Cody swallowed all his pride and dignity. And then quickly thereafter he more-literally swallowed a caustic throatful of richly-flowing sweat, once he’d obediently stickered his tongue to the doughy epicenter of Kayla’s naked under-arch. He hardly needed to fully lick while the giantess’s tired shoe-sizzly feet were already so thickly glazed in salty secretions, but could’ve probably glided the very tip of his tongue over the gelatinous sheen and collected most of it. Still, knowing his owner would put up a punishing fuss if he failed to comply, Cody dragged his taste buds directly across her scorching hotbox-temperate flesh, side to side and top to bottom. Her sweat had reached a very special potency of acidic squalidness today thanks to that gym time and now a toxin-squelching sauna session, even weighed against the many other opportunities the shrinker had to inhale and taste Kayla’s foot-native musk before now, making the eighteen-incher feel like he was gargling from old pickle juice and then chasing it with shots of acetone.

Cody’s collar seemed to dig tighter into his skin each time he regretfully gulped down another wretched splatter. The heat was threatening to make the poor slave collapse below into the gathering puddle of all her sweat he’d failed to lick up in time. And making matters worse, Cody’s arousal seemed unwilling to soften, no matter how quakingly loathsome the rest of his body felt right now while worshipfully drinking a probably-toxic quantity of sole oozings and also so vulnerably exposed in a technically-public space, even if they were still alone. What would happen if a stranger walked in now to see a naked collared fully-erect foot-and-a-half-high man hungrily yet hatefully lapping the never-ending stream of sweat plinking its way down the supple workout-puffed brawn of Kayla’s dirty tan soles?

On that note, the seemingly infinite nature of the sweat supplies being fed to Cody felt less and less like hyperbole the longer they spent together in the sauna. She’d promised they could leave only once he’d tongue-bathed away all the liquid filth painting its way across her powerfully feminine size-9s, and the little thing was giving it his all, but if anything, there was even more viscous insole-linted fluid grunge for him to gorge upon now than when they’d started. By that logic, they were literally never going to leave this space. This sauna, close as it was to hell in terms of temperature, might actually be Cody’s personal foot-based purgatory, as he eternally fought a losing battle to lick and kiss and sole-suck down an ocean’s worth of Kayla’s foulest pond-scummiest sweat – becoming sicker and feeling lower all the time, but never being allowed to see anything ever again except the bottoms of her feet held one inch from his face.


Kayla had barely taken ten steps with Cody’s plopped-in three-inch-tall form hammered between her naked monolithic sole and the unyielding black inlay of her boot, but already he could tell something was different. Having been repeatedly entrapped in the footwear of his diabolical mistress and certain oblivious family members ever since his fateful third wish, walked upon and face-trampled and literally stomped to death, the shrinker thought he was already accustomed to every permutation of crushing pain he could experience down here. Though he doubted he could ever get used to the feeling of a humongous feminine foot heaving down upon his breakable shape without a care for whether he lived or turned to a splatter stuck in her arch wrinkle grooves again, Cody might’ve at least hoped that he could start to mentally numb himself to some of the sharper agonies of this stuffy sightless compounding misery, having now had so much practice at it. But it seemed he was wrong. Because while the three-incher didn’t feel his bones about to snap or his face preparing to sink inward like popped bubble wrap underfoot, the stifling leather climate, rigid pressure, and looping WHAM-downs from Kayla’s sole all quickly coalesced to the ominous sensation that his entire body was ready to start flaking away.

“Okay, freak. I’ll be the bigger person here, and admit I was wrong before!” Kayla’s smug voice boomed through Cody’s skull via telepathic link, unmissable as though she’d plugged subwoofers directly into his ears. Even without being able to see her face, or see much of anything at all aside from the occasional fractured rays of light that managed to penetrate down into his boot prison, the shrinker could envision the queenly self-satisfied grin on his owner’s face. “I NEVER would’ve thought I’d actually get something out of using you this way. Sure, it’s worth screwing with you like this every day, knowing I’m the last person on Earth you would’ve ever wanted owning your ass and making you a micro-bitch to my feet, but I honestly didn’t think it could actually be comfortable wearing you around, too. I mean, it's annoying enough just having a pebble stuck in my shoe, so having a lumpy little runt down there seems like it would be even MORE annoying! But, here we are, and it feels… great! You feel great in there! And you should be proud of that. God knows you don’t have a whole lot else in your sad little life to be proud about, so you might as well have this! You’re just the RIGHT amount of squishy so that it doesn’t hurt me at all, but still firm enough to give me support. It’s just a shame that something like you isn’t built to last, but hey, nothing good lasts forever, right?”


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